When Your Problems Seem Unsolvable - Ep. 017 (Conflict Series)

What do you do when your problems seem unsolvable? These are known as perpetual issues. According to Dr. John Gottman, every couple has 3-5 perpetual issues. What makes the difference between couples who are happily married and those who aren’t…is how couples handle these issues over the long haul.

Tune in today for practical tips on how to deal with your perpetual issues!

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

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WHEN to Solve Your Problems - Ep. 016 (Conflict Series)

We all know how to problem solve. But what happens when our problem solving is premature? Tune in to today’s episode, When to Solve Your Problems, to find out why timing is the most important part!

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

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How to Have a Do-Over - Ep. 015 (Conflict Series)

It's unrealistic to think that as married couples, we won't ever have conflict. It's also unrealistic to think that we would ever do it perfectly. Join us this week as we discuss how to have a do-over & turn conflict into connection in your marriage!

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

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Understanding Your Triggers - Ep. 014 (Conflict Series)

Awareness of our triggers can make all the difference between responding to our spouse & reacting to them! Join us today to better understand what triggers YOU in both negative & positive ways, so that you can learn to do something different (& re-wire your brain in the process!)

*This episode is the fourth in a 4-part series on conflict in marriage.

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

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Conflict Q+A - Ep. 013 (Conflict Series)

Answering Lindsey's question on the podcast today about maintaining healthy communication, given the specific relational dynamics in her marriage, which so many of us can relate to! 

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

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