Invisible loss.

That’s what it’s called when you lose a pregnancy, a baby, a dream shared between you and your spouse.

No one is ever prepared for the weight of invisible loss. It comes unexpectedly, leaving you desperate and eager to make sense of what happened. There can be a sense of grief, confusion, or disappointment on multiple levels - physically, emotionally, relationally, even spiritually.

Pregnancy Loss - Brave Marriage

 If you’re feeling…

  • heartbroken for what you’ve lost

  • disappointed in your body or the loss of a dream

  • misunderstood in your experience

  • confused or angry

  • caught in a cycle of bitterness, envy, and guilt

  • disconnected from your spouse or the people you love

…then know you are not alone.

Miscarriage Counseling - Brave Marriage

Pregnancy loss affects nearly 25% of women, and every story is unique. In the U.S. alone*:

  • 1 in 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage

  • 1 in 50 pregnancies is ectopic

  • 1 in 160 babies are stillborn

  • 1 in 1,000 of pregnancies are molar

*stats taken from March of Dimes

Wherever you are in your grief journey, I am here to support you.

I have 50+ of therapeutic training in walking with women and couples through pregnancy loss and infertility. I’m here to give you the time, space, and resources you need to process in a safe environment.