differentiation of self

You're Responsible for You - Ep. 115 (Responsibility Series)

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What exactly are you responsible for in your marriage? For starters, yourself…not your spouse. Listen in this month to learn how to take responsibility between you in healthy, appropriate ways (less for your spouse and more for yourself).

To work with Kensi, visit bravemarriage.com.

Thanks to:

  • John Tibbs for the amazing music each week.

  • Evan Duszynski for podcast editing.

  • You, the listener, for tuning each week to make your marriage better.

May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.

Honest Expression & Self-Regulation in Conflict - Ep. 113 (Q+A Series)

Brave Marriage Podcast

Changing yourself is a great place to start, but sometimes making behavioral changes isn’t enough to address your relational dynamic. In this Q+A, Kensi approaches an issue that’s not quite as straight forward as it may seem.

To work with Kensi, visit bravemarriage.com.

Thanks to:

  • John Tibbs for the amazing music each week.

  • Evan Duszynski for producing and editing.

  • You, the listener, for tuning each week in service of making your marriage better. May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.

The Roles We Play - Ep. 026 (Family of Origin Series)

What role did you play in your family of origin? How has that impacted you as an adult? On today’s episode, we explore 5 different roles that each of us play into as children in our families of origin: The Entertainer; Peacekeeper; Role Model; Baby; & Fixer. In upcoming weeks, we’ll explore how these roles impact our sense of self & our marriages so that we can be intentional about creating the lives, marriages, and families we desire to have as adults!

-Music on the Brave Marriage Podcast by John Tibbs. Connect with him on Instagram @johntibbsmusic or listen on iTunes or Spotify.

-Podcast Editing by Evan Duszynski.

-If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, leave a rating + review on iTunes, & be sure to share with your friends!

To learn more + work with Kensi, please visit bravemarriage.com for:

Honor Your Father + Mother Part I - Ep. 023 (Family of Origin Series)

What does it mean to honor your father and mother as an adult? During the month of November, we’ll be exploring family of origin issues to see how our upbringings impacted us + continue to impact our relationships.

On this episode, we discuss how to honor your father & mother as an adult, when you had a good childhood or upbringing. Three ways we do that are by (1) naming what’s good, (2) honoring our individual experiences, and (3) learning to see our parents as 3-dimensional.

Music on today’s episode by: John Tibbs. You can find John’s music on iTunes or Spotify, or connect with him @johntibbsmusic

To work with Kensi at Brave Marriage, click the link below:

Thanks so much for joining us today! If you’re enjoying the show, please rate + review the podcast! Also, feel free to share with your friends!