mental health

Boundaries Around Disrespect - Ep. 124 (Boundaries Series)

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If your spouse is disrespectful, and/or you find yourself treating your spouse the same way, then it’s time to set some real relational boundaries for the protection of your mental and emotional health. Below are some questions to ask and next steps to take as you think through setting unilateral boundaries:

Identity: Am I relying on others’ praise to fill me up or give me a sense of self? Am I caving in any way to the criticism of others and believing what they say over what God says of me? In what ways do I need to place more of my worth and value in who God says I am? With whom do I need to set a boundary?

Disrespect: Where do you need to set a boundary for yourself around defensiveness, criticism, contempt, or stonewalling? Which ones do you engage in and how can you catch yourself earlier on when you start to feel flooded, to stay in control of your reactions? Likewise, where do you need to set a boundary with your spouse? In what ways have you found yourself undermining your spouse? In what ways have you experienced your spouse undermining you? Move forward with setting your boundaries. 

Example: “I understand that you’re upset, but I can’t hear what you’re saying when you phrase it like that. The way you’re saying it is too hurtful to sink in. Now, I’d like to better understand where you’re coming from, but for me, we need to put this conversation on hold until both of us are calm, things are expressed differently, and I can better hear what you’re trying to say.” And then, follow through on your boundary! If your spouse won’t let it alone, reinforce your earlier statement. “I told you, I am not capable of having a conversation like this, so I’m walking away or taking some time until we can come back together and talk productively.”

Bad Behavior: Here are a few linked resources with phone numbers to help:

To work with Kensi, visit

Thanks to John Tibbs for the amazing music each week, Evan Duszynski for podcast editing, & you listener, for tuning each week to make your marriage even better. May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.

The Best of BMP #5 - Ep. 101 (All or Nothing Thinking)

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During the month of June, we’re counting down the top 5 most listened-to episodes of the Brave Marriage Podcast from our first 100 episodes! Thank you for listening each and every week. YOU make the effort that goes into the show totally worth it. And hey, don’t forget about the 100 Episodes Giveaway!!


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How to Move Through Your Emotions - Ep. 092 (COVID-19 Series)


This week, we’re discussing how to move through your emotions amidst COVID-19. In upcoming weeks, you’ll learn how to how to get along at home and how to have hope in the midst of uncertainty. If this series is helpful to you, please pass it along to a friend or family member.

If you’d like coaching during this stressful time to manage your mind and emotions, please email

Good News + Gratitudes:


Thanks to:

  • John Tibbs for the amazing music each week.

  • Evan Duszynski for producing and editing.

  • You, the listener, for tuning each week in service of making your marriage better. May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.

How to Manage Your Mental Health - Ep. 091 (COVID-19 Series)

Brave Marriage Podcast

We’re pausing our marriage formation series to discuss how to manage your mental health during COVID-19. In upcoming weeks, you’ll learn how to manage your emotions, how to get along at home, and how to have hope in the midst of uncertainty. If this series is helpful to you, please pass it along to a friend or family member.

If you’d like coaching during this stressful time to manage your mind and emotions, please email

Mentioned in this Episode:

*This is the only affiliate link.

Thanks to:

  • John Tibbs for the amazing music each week.

  • Evan Duszynski for producing and editing.

  • You, the listener, for tuning each week in service of making your marriage better. May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.

Emotional Reasoning - Ep. 051 (Mental Health Series)

Our fourth & final episode in the Mental Health Awareness Series, emotional reasoning is a cognitive distortion affecting many marriages today. Tune in to find out how you might be engaging in emotional reasoning & what to do differently!

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Podcast Editing: Evan Duszynski