Speak for Yourself - Ep. 008 (Communication Series)

Our marriages are only as intimate as the degree to which we learn to speak for ourselves. That means holding on to ourselves & expressing our true feelings, while communicating fully, honestly, & with integrity & respect. Learn more on today's episode!

*This episode is the fourth in a 4-part series on communication in marriage. 

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

Mentioned on this episode: 

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Name What's Good - Ep. 007 (Communication Series)

Today, we're talking about the surprising reason why it's so important to name what's good. How often do you say out loud what you're grateful for or appreciative of in your marriage? On today's episode, you'll have the opportunity to brainstorm several different ways to name what's good.

You can also find the FREE 15-question PDF for this episode here: bravemarriage.com/good

*This episode is the third in a 4-part series on communication in marriage. 

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

Mentioned on this episode: 

Thanks so much for joining us today! If you're enjoying the podcast but haven't yet subscribed, please do! And feel free to share with others who'd enjoy!

Connecting Emotionally - Ep. 006 (Communication Series)

Today we're talking about how to use the skill of empathy to show understanding to your spouse & connect emotionally. Instead of talking about reflective listening or using a speaker-listener technique, it's important to understand that communication in marriage is more about connecting emotionally than it is about technique. 

*This episode is the second in a 4-part series on communication in marriage. 

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

Mentioned on this episode: 

Thanks so much for joining us today! If you're enjoying the podcast but haven't yet subscribed, please do! And feel free to share with others who'd enjoy!

How to Really Listen - Ep. 005 (Communication Series)


How to really listen...sounds pretty basic, right?! But today we're actually covering 3 steps that have to happen in our own minds & hearts first if we want to become great listeners. 

  1. Remind yourself: "My spouse has an equally valid & legitimate way of thinking, feeling, & reasoning."

  2. Put your own perspective on hold.

  3. Get curious about your partner's inner world.

Tune in over the next 15 minutes for a quick coaching session, action step, & prayer for your marriage!

"Know this...let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger...." James 1:19

*This episode is the first of a 4-part series on communication in marriage. 

Marriage/Premarital Coaching with Kensi: http://bravemarriage.com/couples-coaching

Thanks so much for listening! If this podcast has been helpful to you, please share it with friends & family you think it'd be helpful to as well! 

Intro & outro music: @johntibbsmusic

Living Mutually Empowered, Purposeful Lives - Ep. 004 (Intro Series)


Today, we cover the final piece of the mission of Brave Marriage.  We learn how to live mutually empowered, purposeful lives by looking at the Trinitarian relationship.  First, we celebrate our own & our spouse's individuality.  Then, we learn to love in a way that empowers the other.  As we do both of these things, we naturally live into differentiated unity as married couples.

Mentioned on this Episode:

  • A Model for Marriage, Jack & Judith Balswick

  • The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Pete Scazzero

If you're enjoying the podcast but haven't subscribed, please do! And feel free to share with others who'd enjoy. :)