sound marital house

Finding and Making Meaning, Without Losing Each Other - Ep. 074 (Sound Marriage Series)

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My prayer for you this week is that you let your loved ones off the hook for fulfilling in you what only Christ can. That you’d understand God’s heart in a new way today as you listen to these words, which we sometimes forget: With God, one day is as good as a thousand years, and a thousand years, as good as a day (Ps. 90:4). God isn’t late with His promise, as some measure lateness, but because God so loves the world - that includes you! - He’s restraining Himself on your account, because He doesn’t want anyone lost (John 3:16). But instead, He desires that we would live life abundantly through Him (John 10:10). He’s giving everyone space and time to change (2 Peter 3:8-9).

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Accepting Your Spouse's Influence - Ep. 073 (Sound Marriage Series)

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Find out what means to accept your spouse’s influence and why it’s critical to the health of your marriage. Three steps to growing in this area include:

  1. Ask for your spouse’s input.

  2. Notice your reaction to your spouse’s input.

  3. Move through it to create a win-win solution.

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Committing to Each Other Wholeheartedly - Ep. 067 (Sound Marriage Series)

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What does it mean to commit to each other wholeheartedly? It means committing to one person, our spouse, & forsaking all others for the rest of our days. Listen in to see if you’re wholeheartedly committed in these 3 areas.

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Think of Your Spouse Fondly - Ep. 065 (Sound Marriage Series)


There are 3 crucial elements of building a strong friendship in marriage. Today, we’re talking about the second - how to think fondly of your spouse and grow in mutual admiration. Listen in for 3 practical steps toward more fondness and admiration in your marriage.

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  • Texting in your feedback: 859-221-3845

Strengthening Friendship in Marriage - Ep. 064 (Sound Marriage Series)

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There are 3 crucial elements of building a strong friendship in marriage. Today, we’re talking about the first - how to build love maps. Listen in to see what it’s all about and to take action on the exercises at the end!

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  • Texting in your feedback: 859-221-3845