Personal Boundaries Pt. II - Ep. 121 (Boundaries Series)

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Do you ever feel like you give and give to others, while your time, energy, and desires are taken for granted? If so, then perhaps some boundaries are in order. Listen in this month to learn what boundaries are in the first place, and how to set boundaries personally and relationally.

Boundaries around your Energy: What relationships bring you life and energy? How can you prioritize these relationships and your time? On the other hand, what relationships tend to drain your energy? Are you in a season where you need to set some physical boundaries? Or are you in a place where setting an emotional boundary would be enough? And what’s one boundary that you could create there to either preserve your energy or protect your energy while being in their presence by only taking responsibility for what’s yours?

Boundaries with your Self-Worth: How do you see yourself? Where do you tend to place your self-worth? In contrast, how do you want to define your self-worth? Who do you let define it? The world? Or God? And what’s one boundary that you could create in your life in order to preserve, protect, and fully live into your identity in Christ?

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Thanks to John Tibbs for the amazing music each week; my husband, Evan, for podcast editing; & YOU, the listener, for tuning each week to make your marriage even better! May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.