You both work hard. Overall, you make a good team. But at the end of the day, you wonder:

  • When was the last time we had a conversation that didn’t pertain to our work? the kids? our schedules?

  • I know we’re busy, but will we ever be able to slow down and prioritize our relationship?

  • Do other couples experience the same thing? Do others feel they way I do?

You are not alone. When life gets busy, it’s easy to put off the health of your relationship.

If you…

  • want a stronger connection, but you don’t know where to start

  • have wondered about the health of your relationship from a professional point of view

  • want to improve your relationship without the ongoing services

…then consider a one-time session the perfect fit for you.

A one-time session is designed to provide honest, objective feedback from a relationship expert and coach in response to your questions and concerns.

You’ll leave your online session with new insights, suggestions, and professional recommendations to jumpstart working on your relationship, whatever your circumstances.

*One-time sessions are also available for individuals wishing to work on their relationship.

*A one-time session is NOT:

  • a therapy session

  • part of a coaching program

  • a quick fix to an emotional, mental health, or relational crisis

  • a substitute for the actual steps required to improve your relationship

A one-time session includes:

  • Gottman Relationship Checkup ($39):

    • Online assessment providing empirical feedback

    • Paid for & taken separately, prior to your session

  • 1 Full Hour with an LMFT + Certified Coach:

    • Time to address your questions, concerns, & assessment results

    • Insights regarding your next best steps as a couple

  • Resources to Take With You:

    • Summary of assessment results

    • Professional recommendations & referrals

One-Time Session Cost: $199