Boundary Setting - Ep. 119 (Boundaries Series)

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Do you ever feel like you give and give to others, while your time, energy, and desires are taken for granted? If so, then perhaps some boundaries are in order. Listen in this month to learn what boundaries are in the first place, and how to set boundaries personally and relationally.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

Are My Boundaries…

  1. Clear: What is my boundary? What do I want it to be and why? Am I clear on what’s okay and what’s not okay? Am I clear on how I will respond or manage myself if the recipient of my boundary gives me pushback? Have I left anything to wishful thinking?

  2. Communicated: Has the appropriate person been told? Given what I know about the recipient of my boundary, what would be the best way to communicate this boundary? Have I let the recipient know what I will do in the event that my boundary is crossed?

  3. Enforced: Has the boundary been enacted and consistently reinforced? Have I stayed strong in the face of any manipulation tactics or workarounds my boundary? Am I beginning to feel like a broken record?

  4. A Good Fit: What’s the nature of that relationship? Is what I’m asking appropriate to the relationship? How close am I to that person? How much do I need to share when clearly communicating my boundaries? Does this boundary make sense when I consider my relational context, and my present capacity, margin, and responsibility? 

To work with Kensi, visit

Thanks to John Tibbs for the amazing music each week; my husband, Evan, for podcast editing; & YOU, the listener, for tuning each week to make your marriage even better! May God be glorified in you and through your marriage.